Getting a Great Shave
Getting close comfortable shaves can be challenging, even for experienced shavers. Here are a few tips:
1. Pre-shave prep is required for most men. Hopping in the shower and washing your face first thing with a soapy wash cloth or something similar provides great prep for most men. Some, like myself, have to do that as well as applying hot, wet towels to their face for 3-4 minutes.
2. Use the lightest of light touches. We all have a tendency to press with the razor. For those that don't, this bad habit can easily creep in. Shave the cream and the whiskers will take care of themselves.
There are plenty of other tips, though these two make a big, big difference.
1. Pre-shave prep is required for most men. Hopping in the shower and washing your face first thing with a soapy wash cloth or something similar provides great prep for most men. Some, like myself, have to do that as well as applying hot, wet towels to their face for 3-4 minutes.
2. Use the lightest of light touches. We all have a tendency to press with the razor. For those that don't, this bad habit can easily creep in. Shave the cream and the whiskers will take care of themselves.
There are plenty of other tips, though these two make a big, big difference.